New Books and Pamphlets by Red Star Publishers

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New additions to Red Star Publishers are listed here, in reverse chronological order of posting (most recent first)

History of the Civil War in the U.S.S.R. Vol. 3. $22. 1958, 665 pages. Deals with the period from  October 1917 to February 1919. Cover. Political note and note on the translation.

Historia de la Guerra Civil en la U.R.S.S., tomo 3. $22. 1958, 700 paginas.  Trata del periodo de octubre de 1917 hasta febrero de 1919. Portada. Nota politica y sobre la traduccion.

История гражданской войны в СССР. Том 3.pdf

История гражданской войны в СССР. Том 4.pdf

История гражданской войны в СССР. Том 5.pdf
Stalin. $5. Cover. This very useful 55 page booklet contains a political-ideological discussion of Stalin's contributions to Marxism-Leninism and his work in developing socialism in the Soviet Union, by Pablo Miranda; also two articles by Alejandro Rios: Stalin, A Biographical Sketch, and Stalin’s Cult of Personality: Did It Really Exist and Was It Allowed? Miranda and Rios are leading members of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador.

Stalin. $5. Portada. Este librito muy util, de 55 paginas, contiene una discusion politica-ideologica de las contribuciones de Stalin al marxismo-leninismo y su obra en el desarrollo del socialismp en la Union Sovietica, por Pablo Miranda; tambien dos articulos por Alejandro Rios:  Stalin: pincelada biográfica y El culto a la personalidad de Stalin: ¿existió en reali-dad y fue permitido? Miranda y Rios estan dirigentes del Partido Marxista-Leninista de Ecuador.

A Short Illustrated History of Lenin. $7. Cover. A historical overview of Lenin's life, with graphics. While stronger in historical events than in politics and ideology, it can be useful for those who are just starting to learn about Marxism-Leninism.

Breve Historia Ilustrada de Lenin. $7. Portada. Un sumario historico de la vida de Lenin, con ilustraciones. Mas fuerte sobre eventos historicos que en politica y ideologia, puede ser util para estos que solamente empiezan de aprender sobre marxismo-leninismo.

William Z. Foster: The Russian Revolution, 1921 $7. Cover. An early description of the Russian revolution by the revolutionary trade union leader who later became General Secretary of the Communist Party.

Belomor: $12. Cover. The White Sea-Baltic Canal was constructed with prison labor. This 1935 book, by a team of Soviet writers led by Gorky, shows how kulaks and other wreckers were transformed through labor.

Russian Justice. $8. Cover. This 1935 book by noted American penologist Mary Stevenson Callcott, describes how the Soviet prison system was designed for rehabilitation, not punishment.

Engels: The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State, 1884. $8. Cover. This book shows that the, family, private property and the state are all historical categories that did not exist in all societies.

Engels: El origen de la familia, la propiedad privada y el estado, 1884. $8. Portada. Este libro muestra que la familia, la propiedad privada y el estado son todos categorías históricas que no existieron en todas las sociedades.

This Soviet World, Anna Louise Strong, 1936. $8. Cover. This 170-page book discusses various aspects of life in the Soviet Ubion.

Stalin: Sobre el materialismo dialéctico y el materialismo histórico. 1939.(P) $5. Portada.

Stalin: Entrevista con el escritor inglés H. G. Wells. 1934. (P) $3. Portada.

Lenin: El orgullo nacional de los rusos, 1914. (P) $4. Relevante hoy en día como diferente de la Teoría Crítica de la Raza. Portada.

Lenin: Primero de mayo, 1904. (P) $2.

Marx: Critica al programa de Gotha. $6. 1875. Critica de Marx sobre los errores oportunistas en la nueva programa de los social-demócratas alemanes. Portada.
Lenin: Las elecciones a la asamblea constituyente y la dictadura del proletariado. 1919. (P) $3. Portada.
La ofensiva del fascismo y las tareas de la Internacional en la lucha por la unidad de la clase obrera contra el fascismo, y El fascismo es la guerra, por  Jorge Dimitrov. $5. Portada. Esa edición consiste solamente de los dos artículos en el titulo, aunque la edición en ingles tiene mas.
Reflections on the Middle East, 1958-1983, by Enver Hoxha. $12. Cover. This 325 page book contains Hoxha's memoirs on the struggle of the Palestinian people against Israel and U.S. imperialism, of the people of Iran against the Shah and U.S. imperialism, and of the Afghan people against Soviet social-imperialism. :

Lenin: Letters from Afar, March, 1917. $5. Cover. Five letters written by Lenin before his return to Russia, exposing in detail the role of the Provisional Government and of the opportunist parties supporting it.

Lenin: Cartas desde lejos, marzo, 1917. $5. Portada. Cinco cartas de Lenin antes de su regreso a Rusia, exponiendo en detalle el papel del Gobierno Provisional y el papel de los partidos oportunistas los cuales lo apoyaban.

En Marcha, Ecuador: On the 100th Anniversary of V. I. Lenin’s Death, 2024. With pictures in color: $6; in b&w, $4. Cover.

En Marcha, Ecuador: En el centenario de la muerte de V. I. Lenin, 2024. Con pinturas en color: $6, en blanco y negro, $4. Portada.

Unity & Struggle #47. Nivember 2023. $7. Cover. Journal of the International Conference of M-L Parties and Organizations (ICMLPO).

Unidad y Lucha #47. Noviembre 2023. $7. Portada. Revista de la Conferencia Internacional de Partidos y Organizaciones M-L (CIPOML).

Albania Challenges Khrushchev Revisionism, 1979. $14. Cover. This 330 page book contains Hoxha's 1960 speech at the 1960 meeting of 81 communist and workers' parties, in which Hoxha made the first public speech criticizing Khrushchev revisionism, The book also contains background material, including Hoxha's discussion about the speech to the Central Committee of the Party of Labor of Albania before and after the meeting.

Hoxha's Speech at the Meeting of 81 Communist and Workers’ Parties in Moscow. $6. Cover. The above 53 page speech, without the additional materal.

The Munich Conspiracy. Andrew Rothstein. 1958. Cover. This 670 page book provides a very detailed account, by a leading member of the Communist Party of Great Britain, of how the ruling classes of Britain and France sold out Czechoslovakia to the Nazis in in 1938. Internet only.

Five books by D. N. Pritt. Pritt was a left-wing Member of Parliament from the Labour Party, but was expelled from the Labour Party for supporting Russia in its war with Finland in 1939-1940. He was an independent Labour MP until 1940.
Light on Moscow, 1940, 140 p. $8. Cover A good explanation, especially useful for those new ro socialism, of the role of the Soviet Union during the period of the non-aggression pact with Germany.
Must the War Spread? 1940, 219 p. $10
Russia is for Peace, 1951, 100 p. $7. Cover
The Fall of the French Republic, 1940, 140 p. $8. Cover
Discusses the role of French imperialism from World War I to its collapse with the Nazi invasion of June 1940. It includes a lengthy discussion of the Popular Front and its betrayal.
The State Department and the Cold War, A commentary on its publication, “Nazi-Soviet Relations, 1939-1941”. 1948, 93 p. $7. Cover

Historia de la Guerra Civil en la U.R.S.S., tomo 1, 1935, 532 paginas. Al momento solo en internet. Portada.

Historia de la Guerra Civil en la U.R.S.S., tomo 3, 1958, 773 paginas. Al momento solo en internet. Portada.

Historia de la Guerra Civil en la U.R.S.S., tomo 4, 1959, 827 paginas. Al momento solo en internet. Portada.

Historia de la Guerra Civil en la U.R.S.S., tomo 5, 1960, 781 paginas. Al momento solo en internet. Portada.

Trotskismo: Contrarrevolución disfrazada. M.J. Olgin. $7. Portada. Una excelente respuesta a las principales calumnias trotskista contra la Unión Soviética y Stalin. Incluye capítulos sobre el socialismo en un solo país, la revolución y el campesinado, la revolución china, la situación alemana y la cuestión del socialfascismo, y más. Traducido en español por primera vez por Trabajadores y Estudiantes Comunistas por el Cambio Social de Puerto Rico.
Revolutionary Democracy, October 2023. $7. This ML journal from India contains information on the revolutionary movement in India, China, Russia and other countries, as well as on historical questions of the international communist movement. Only the contents and pictures are available here. To see the contents in html format, go to

Booklet containing articles from the 2023 International Seminar: Problems of the Revolution in Latin America. $7. Cover.

Folleto con articulos del Seminario Internacional de 2022: Problemas de la Revolucion en America Latina: $7. Portada.

War and Peace in Finland, by Soviet Russia Today, 1940. A detailed explanation of the reasons for the Soviet-Finish war of 1939-1940, with a background of Finland's situation from its independence after the October Revolution. Internet only.

Harry Haywood: Black Bolshevik, 1978. Internet only. In archives of Revolutionary Democracy journal.

The Munich Conspiracy, by Andrew Rothstein. 1958. Internet only.

Warmongers Unmasked: History of Cold War in Germany, Wilfred Burchett. 1950. Internet only. Although this book is dated, it has valuable historical material on how the Western powers were the ones responsible for the division of Germany.

William Z, Foster: Toward Soviet America, 1932. Internet only. Although some of his views were outdated by the need for a United Front against Fascism, this book has valuable information, particularly on the role of the Socialist Party.

The Class Nature of China Today, 2021. (P) $3. Cover. An update on the class nature of China, including Xi Xinping's "One Belt One Road" initiative.

Reader in Marxist Philosophy, edited by Howard Selsam and Harry Martel. Originally published in 1963, this edition was reprinted in India in 2010. This 378-page book contains lengthy selection from the works of Marx, Engels and Lenin, organized by topics. Internet only.

Culture in a Changing World, by V.J. Jerome. 1945, $6. Cover. Although this 73 page book is written in a somewhat abstract style, it is a very useful work on a Marxist view of culture. The author was the editor of the Communist Party magazine, Political Affairs.

Marxism and Modern Idealism, by John Lewis. 1945. A brief, 50 page booklet that gives a clear explanation of dialectical materialism versus idealism. Internet only.

Unity & Struggle #46. May 2023. $7. Cover.

Unidad y Lucha #46. Mayo 2023. $7. Portada.

Revolutionary Democracy, April 2023. $7.

Economía Política: Curso para principantes, (versión original). A. Leontiev, 1935. $6. Portada, Eso es una traducción en español de parte de Ediciones Frente Cultural de México.
Versión 2. Lo mismo como el original, pero con citas de los clásicos del Marxismo-Leninismo de fuentes que pueden encontrar en el internet.

A Negro Looks at Soviet Central Asia, Langston Hughes, 1934. $6. Cover. This 64-page pamphlet, barely known in the U.S., describes in more historical than autobiographical form Hughes' travels through Soviet Central Asia as in I Wonder as I Wander, with positive comparisons of Soviet Central Asia to the degradation of the U.S. South. (It is also not copyrighted so we can freely reprint it.).

Fascism and the Social Revolution, by R. Palme Dutt, November, 1934. $12. Cover. This 321 page book was written by a leading member of the British Communist Party. Although it is superseded by Dimitrov's United Front, written a half-year later, it still contains worthwhile details on the development of fascism.

Jean Boulier: I Was A Red Priest. The autobiography of Father Boulier, who studied to became a Jesuit priest and supported the communists, both in the period of the united front and after. He worked with progressive Catholic groups in Eastern Europe, and particularly in the peace movement. This 2022 English translation is fully annotated, with numerous appendices. Over 700 pages. $20.

Unity & Struggle #45. November 2022. $7. Cover. Journal of the International Conference of M-L Parties and Organizations (ICMLPO).

Unidad y Lucha #45. Octubre 2022. $7. Portada. Revista de la Conferencia Internacional de Partidos y Organizaciones M-L (CIPOML).

Engels: The Housing Question. $6. 1873, A polemic with the followers of Proudhon, who considered the housing question as equivalent to the exploitation of labor power.


Engels. Contribucion al problema de la vivienda. $6. 1873. Una polemica con los seguidores de Proudhon, los cuales consideraron la problema de la vivienda como equivalente a la explotacion de la fuerza laboral.

Lenin: Reply to P. Kievsky (Y. Pyatakov), 1916. (P) $3. Cover. This little-known 6-page letter discusses the question of democracy in relation to socialism.

Lenin: Respuesta a P. Kievski (Y. Piatakov), 1916. (P) $4. Portada. Esta carta de 7 paginas, que no es bien conocida, explica la tema de democracia en relaction al socialismo.

Several articles from the International Seminar: Problems of the Revolution in Latin America, 2022:
Brazil: Revolutionary Communist Party
Dominican Republic: Communist Party of Labor
Ecuador: Marxist-Leninist Communist Party
Ecuador: Mariano Santos
Mexico: Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)
Peru: Communist Party Marxist-Leninist
Peru: Anti-Fascist Anti-Imperialist Popular Front

Algunos articulos del Seminario Internacional: Problemas de la Revolucion en America Latina, 2022:
Brasil: Partido Comunista Revolucionario (en Portugues)
Ecuador: Partido Comunista Marxista-Leninista
Ecuador: Mariano Santos
Mexico: Partido Comunista (Marxista-Leninista)
Peru: Partido Comunista Marxista-Leninista
Peru: Frente Popular Anti-Imperialista Anti-Fascista
Republica Dominicana: Partido Comunista del Trabajo

The June Shutdown in Ecuador. Cover.
This 40 page printed pamphlet includes full-color pictures. $6. The uprising, started by the indigenous people, was joined by major trade unions, women, youth and others. The main cause was the rise in prices, particularly of oil. After 18 days, and at the cost of at least 6 dead and hundreds of wounded and arrested, the government gave in to the main demands.

Paro de junio en Ecuador. Portada. Este panfleto de 40 paginas incluye los fotos en color. $6. El levantamiento empezo con el movimiento indigena pero estaba juntado por sindicatos, mujeres, jovenes, etc. La causa principal era el alto precio de productos, particularmente petroleo. Gano del gobierno casi todas las demandas.

Revolutionary Democracy, Sept. 2022. $7. This ML journal from India contains information on the revolutionary movement in India, China, Russia and other countries, as well as on historical questions of the international communist movement.
Revolutionary Democracy, April 2022. $7

Unity & Struggle #44. May 2022. $7. Also in pdf and cover. Journal of the International Conference of M-L Parties and Organizations (ICMLPO).

Unidad y Lucha #44. Mayo 2022. $7. Tambien en pdf y portada. Revista de la Conferencia Internacional de Partidos y Organizaciones M-L (CIPOML).

Marx: Critique of the Gotha Programme. $6, 1875. Marx's critique of opportunist errors in the new programme of the German Social-Democrats.

Pablo Miranda: The Class Nature of the Communist Party, 2014, reprinted in 2022. (P). Cover. $3.

Pablo Miranda: Naturaleza de clase del partido comunista, 2014, reimprimido en 2022. (P). Portada. $3.

The Negro Question in the United States, by James S. Allen, 1936. A detailed explanation of why African-Americans in the Black Belt formed a nation. Internet only.

VII Congress of the Communist International, Abridged Stenographic Report. This 600 page report contains most (though not all) of the Speeches to the Congress. Internet only..

Program of Action of the Red International of Labour Unions, by A. Lozovsky, 1921. Internet only.

History of the International Communist Movement, 1848-1917. Actually from the Communist Manifesto until the death of Marx. 1976. 162 pages. $6

The Story of Soviet Progress, by Corliss Lamont. 1938. This 36 page pamphlet gives a short summary of the achievements of the Soviet Union. $6

Engels: La revolución de la ciencia de Eugenio Dühring (“Anti-Dühring”). 1894. $7

How the Steel Was Tempered. 1933. An autobiographical novel by a young worker in the civil war. Published in the US under the title "The Making of a Hero." Internet only. Cover.

Así se templó el acero. 1933. Una novela autobiográfica de un joven trabajador en la guerra civil. Solamente en internet. Portada.

Unity & Struggle #43. November 2021. $7. Also in pdf and cover. Journal of the International Conference of M-L Parties and Organizations (ICMLPO).

Unidad y Lucha #43. Noviembre 2021. $7. Tambien en pdf y portada. Revista de la Conferencia Internacional de Partidos y Organizaciones M-L (CIPOML).

Fundamentals of Political Economy, 1974. Also known as the Shanghai Textbook. This book shows the Chinese view of political economy during Mao's era. There is also a lengthy critique of this book from a Marxist-Leninist perspective. Internet only.
Cuando y porqué el socialismo en la Unión Soviética fracasó. Portada. Escrito originalmente por el KPD(ML) de Alemania en 1966, esta traducido en español por primera vez en 2021. Edición imprimida: $8. Este libro de 207 páginas es un esfuerzo de una perspectiva marxista-leninista de explicar las raíces del desarrollo del revisionismo en la Unión Soviética, mas allá que decir que "Jruschov era traidor" (aunque sí era). A pesar de unos errores políticas, es uno de los pocos esfuerzos de tratar con esta tema, que es de suma importancia por el movimiento comunista.

Volume 2: A controversial discussion about socialism. Discussion of the above book by various political forces in Germany. Only on internet. This is a rough translation from the German (particularly of the shaded phrases).

Band 2: Eine kontroverse Diskussion über den Sozialismus. Diskussion über das obengenannte Buch durch verschiedene politische Kräfte. Nur im Internet.

Russia and America, W.E.B. Du Bois, 1950. This is an unpublished manuscript. While it is valuable for its description of the Soviet Union, which Du Bois visited several times, it is not a Marxist view, particularly in its positive treatment of militarist Japan before World War II. Internet only.

The Origin of Life on Earth, by A.I. Oparin, third revised and expanded edition, 1945. This 492 page book by a Soviet author explains how organic matter could develop from inorganic matter, thus undermining one of the religious arguments for creation of living beings by a supernatural being. Internet only. We include the original image pdf since there may be formulas that were not written correctly by the OCR software.

Lenin: On the National Pride of the Great Russians, 1914. (P) $3.

The Origin of Life on Earth
, by A.I. Oparin, third revised and expanded edition, 1945. This 493 page book by a Soviet author explains how organic matter could develop from inorganic matter, thus undermining one of the religious arguments for creation of living beings by a supernatural being. Internet only. We include the original image pdf since there may be formulas that were not written correctly by the OCR software.
Relevant today as different from Critical Race Theory

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